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Common Home Split Level AC Unit Problems

Home split level ac unit problems

So you’ve recently installed a split level AC, or a ductless mini-split AC, in your home. For a while, it seemed all was well… but after some time, you began to notice some problems. Some rooms seem to stay hot. Others seem to stay cold. Sometimes, your split level AC unit seems to be making […]

The Cost of R-410A Freon

R410A price per pound installed

R-410A Price Per Pound Installed: How Much Is It? Greetings from Service HQ! If you’re here, you want to know the cost of R-410A refrigerant, but it’s important to understand what exactly it is first. R-410A refrigerant is a cleaner, a more eco-friendly type of refrigerant that serves as a replacement for the comparatively more harmful R-22 […]

What to Do When Your Air Conditioner is Leaking

Air conditioner leaking water

It’s hard to know where to start when there is no air coming out of registers in your home. Service HQ has some helpful tips for understanding your HVAC system and troubleshooting potential airflow problems. What is an HVAC Register? AC registers are grill coverings that direct the air coming from your heat and air system. Each register has a […]

Everything You Need to Know About Freon

How much is freon? hands holding a can of freon with an orange background

How much is refrigerant, or Freon? Well, it’s a complicated question. One of the first things worth considering is what exactly “Freon” is. “Freon,” technically speaking, is a brand name for various types of refrigerants for air conditioning units. However, in the same way we call any sort of bandage a “Band-Aid,” we started referring to any refrigerant […]

How to Choose a New AC Unit

How to choose a new AC unit

In this guide, we’ll discuss the following topics: When the outside world starts heating up, it’s time to make the indoors start cooling down! The question is, though—how? Or, more accurately, how do you find a new air conditioning unit that’s best for you, your family, or your workforce? Thanks to Service HQ, you can put these big questions […]

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